“I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” -Jane Austin, Persuasions

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Window Seat Musings

Today is turning out to be absolutely perfect. I awoke to rain instead of sunshine and cold instead of warm. That gave me the perfect excuse to slip into pair of jeans and comfy large sweater, sit on my large window seat, and read. Right now I decided to re-read Emma and I'm once again hit by the brilliancy of Jane. At the moment I just finished reading the section where Emma wants to take an image of Harriet and with the help of Mr. Elliot convinces her to sit for a portrait. Of course I can't help but laugh because Emma reminds me of one of my closest friends. Just this weekend she had me sit outside while drawing a portrait of me, all the while talking about who was now dating who, why so and so had broken up, and hinting about a certain someone who couldn't seem to take there eyes off of me at the latest horse show. I really am debating getting her to read Emma or not because I'm actually scared she would get to many ideas from dear Jane's words. On the other hand I will simply sit here and enjoy Mr. Knightley's speech about a not so unfortunate farmer...

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